2440 U.S. 98 W
Santa Rosa Beach
Florida 32459

What We Do

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Home Ownership

Being a home owner is something many only dream about. But with volunteers, donations, and support from our local communities Habitat for Humanity Walton County help families achieve that dream.

Do I Qualify For A Habitat Partnership Home?

Our homeowner families are typically first-time homebuyers whose earnings are well below the area’s median income.

Still, Habitat homes are not given away. Homeowners contribute hours of “sweat equity” – their own labor – in the building on their house and other Habitat homes. They also attend home ownership classes and involve themselves in meaningful service to the community. They are fully invested partners in the building process.

Approved partner families must meet three requirements beyond the financial qualifications:


1. Have the ability to repay the mortgage (no-interest, no-profit loan).

2. Have an established need for housing (due to either overcrowding, poorly maintained/substandard conditions, do not have a place of your own/live with family or friends, receive assistance from public housing, or cannot afford the rent increase).

3. Have the willingness to partner (Sweat equity, personal investment, etc.).

Our Communities

Your Local Walton County Habitat for Humanity serves all of Walton County Florida. From Paxton, DeFuniak Springs, Freeport, Point Washington, and all the way to our beautiful Gulf beaches.

Walton County

Walton County , located in Northwest Florida, is one of the fastest growing counties in the country. With a largely rural population of just over 50,000, Walton County has plenty of room for growth. The average age is 40, and the majority of jobs can be found in hospitality, government, transportation and utilities, agriculture and finance. The county offers a unique blend of lifestyles with picturesque farms and timber lands on the north end bordering Alabama and pristine white beaches and coastal dune lakes on the Gulf of Mexico in South Walton.

DeFuniak Springs

DeFuniak Springs in the northern end of the county has a population of around 7,000 residents and serves as the county seat. Agriculture is the primary industry in this town, particularly cattle, timber and poultry. The median household income in DeFuniak Springs is $24,516, and 18.4% of the population lives below the poverty line. DeFuniak Springs is home to Lake Defuniak, one of only two perfectly round natural lakes in the world, and the oldest library in Florida still serving the public.


The rural town of Freeport, population 1,500, is located at the crossroads between North and South Walton just north of Choctawhatchee Bay. The largest employers in town are Freeport Shipyard and Murphy Oil; however, most Freeport residents commute to jobs at nearby Eglin Air Force Base or in coastal South Walton. The median household income in Freeport is $25,735, and 21.4% of the population lives below the poverty line.


Paxton is a small rural community located in extreme north Walton County on the Alabama border. With a population of only 750 residents, Paxton covers just four square miles. Primarily a farming and retirement community, Paxton draws plenty of boaters, hunters and fishermen to Lake Jackson, a large natural lake. The median household income in Paxton is $24,625, and 12.3% of the population lives below the poverty line.

Santa Rosa Beach

Santa Rosa Beach is an unincorporated community in South Walton that stretches from the south end of Choctawhatchee Bay to the Gulf of Mexico. The community’s 11,457 residents enjoy a wide array of outdoor activities at Topsail Hill State Preserve which boasts beautiful beaches, coastal dune lakes, miles of hiking trails and even a cypress swamp.

Point Washington

The tiny enclave of Point Washington is located just north of Highway 98 along Choctawhatchee Bay. Like much of Walton County, Point Washington grew out of the bustling timber business in the early 20th century. Point Washington is home to Eden State Gardens which served as the family estate of a timber magnate and currently houses the second largest collection of Louis XVI furniture in the country. An abundance of ancient live oaks and magnolias make Point Washington a beautiful place to call home.



There are various steps in the process of applying to become a family partner of Habitat for Humanity.  Please go over all the following steps, if you meet all of the requirements for pre-qualification, please fill out the attached form and submit it to our office.  You and any co-applicant applying must meet all the pre-qualifications requirements to be considered as an applicant.

Requirement # 1

My/Our income falls between the minimum and maximum yearly income based on the number of household members.  (Child support and SS benefits may be included in your income if you will not lose those benefits in the next two years.  Food stamps are NOT considered income).

Household Size Minimum Yearly Income Maximum Yearly Income
1 19,050 50,750
2 21,800 58,000
3 25,820 65,250
4 31,200 72,450
5 36,580 78,250
6 41,960 84,050
7 47,340 89,850
8 52,720 95,650

Requirement # 2

I/We owe less than 40% of my monthly debt versus gross income.

Example:  Your housing living cost for a Habitat home would be approximately $400 for a 3-bedroom home.  If you pay another $500 per month on credit cards and a car payment your total debt would be $900.  If your gross income per month is $2400, your total debt-to-income ratio is 37.5% ($900 divided by $2400).  This is an acceptable debt to income ratio because it is below 40% of your total gross monthly income.


Requirement # 3

I/We have not declared bankruptcy in the last 3 years and I have not declared bankruptcies more than once in the last 20 years.


Requirement # 4

I/We pay rent on time (we will verify this).


Requirement # 5

I/We have a need for housing due to:

  • Overcrowding
  • Poorly maintained or substandard conditions; I have requested repairs from landlord but they have not been fixed.
  • I/We do not have a place of my own; live with family or friends.
  • I/We currently receive assistance from Public Housing, Section 8, or HUD.
  • I/We can no longer afford the increase in rent.


Requirement # 6

I/We will partner with Habitat and put in 250 hours of “sweat equity” per adult; first, working in other families’ homes, and then building my own home.  I/We will also attend budget classes and workshops.


Requirement # 7

I/We have lived or worked in Walton County for at least one year prior to applying.


Requirement # 8

I/We are not registered sex offenders.


Requirement # 9

I/We have a credit score of at least 640 or can provide 12 months proof that I/we pay bills on or before the due date from at least three alternate sources such as:

  • Utility companies (electric, telephone, cable, etc.)
  • Cell phone carriers
  • Vehicle insurance companies


Requirement # 10

I/We are US Citizens.  If you are Resident Alien you must provide a copy of your green card, “Permanent Resident Alien” card.


Download Application

Please use one of the two links below to download either the fillable PDF form or a Word Doc that you can print and fill out.

2025 Pre-Qual Application


New and Used Household Items at Bargain Prices

Habitat ReStore is the place Walton County area homeowners get quality construction materials and household items at bargain prices. Your contributions to Habitat ReStore means materials are kept in use instead of thrown into the landfill. Donate materials, and household items to ReStore and avoid hauling costs, plus receive a tax deduction.

What your support provides:

  • Resource for recovering reusable supplies
  • Keeps those materials out of the waste stream
  • Profits build new Habitat homes
  • Benefits the community
  • Quality materials and household items for your project at deep discounts

Everyone wins:

  • Contributors avoid hauling/trash disposal costs and may receive tax deductions
  • Customers receive good materials, and household items at deep discounts
  • Habitat For Humanity raises funds to build new homes
  • The planet is spared the dumping of waste
  • Resources are conserved

The ReStore is open:

Tuesday - Saturday 9am to 5pm
Closed on Sunday and Monday


Habitat for Humanity Walton County Restore

2440 U.S. 98 W
Santa Rosa Beach
Florida 32459

(850) 660-6004


Annual Report

Click here for printable version.

@2019 Habitat for Humanity Walton
County Florida. All Rights Reserved.
Equal Housing Opportunity
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